Adèle’s Blog

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4 Seriously Important Tactics for Success This Year

Happy, happy, happy New Year.

I just love the beginning of a new year as it’s filled with wonderfully positive vibes – there’s renewed energy and hope, more joy, anticipation and excitement for what will unfold over the coming months and throughout the year.

People seem to smile a little more (even in the depths of a northern hemisphere winter).  Long may that continue throughout the year! Let there be more joy in the world.

2016 saw us experience some pretty dark moments across the world, and for many of us personally too.  But the dawn of a new year helps us to leave it all behind.  It’s like starting a new chapter of a book, or even opening a new book.

It’s a beautiful and renewing time.


How will your 2017 be?

Too many people let the year ‘happen to them’ rather than taking the year by the horns and saying something like ‘what do I want my year to look like in 2017?’

In one year’s time, when you’re reflecting on all that’s happened over 2017, what do you want to be reminiscing on?

Sure, there will certainly be curve balls that will have come at you and hit hard (probably in business and in life) – that happens to all of us, but there’ll be growth opportunities in those moments too.

That aside, what do you really want to have happen for you this year in life and in business?

Here are 4 seriously important tactics you should be thinking about this year.  They will make all the difference to your business and quality of life.


1  Working ON and not just IN your business

I’m a great Michael E Gerber (of the E-Myth books) fan, and love his idea that we must work on and not just in our businesses.  If we want to grow our businesses in some big or small way, we must be a leader and not just a ‘worker bee’ in our business.

If we’re constantly working day by day to get the work done, not making time to step back and helicopter above our business to think about what we need to do to grow it, then it won’t grow.

Promise yourself that you’ll spend more time on leadership and management activities rather than just worker or technician ones.  Yes, it might be a challenge if you’re a solopreneur or micro business, but it’s a must, otherwise you’ll still be the same (a self employed person) in one year’s time.  Is that what you really want to be in your business?


2  Build your personal brand as an expert in your field

Do you want your business to be recognised as the best at what it does?  If so, then as the owner of the business, you must also be branded the best too – be seen as the expert in your field – the ‘go-to person’.

I know that might sound scary to start with, but there are loads of simple ways in which you can start to demonstrate your expertise to your target audience.  Do that work consistently and soon you’ll get noticed, and people will start buying from you.


3  Get networking

Make time to get out and get to know more people.  Grow your network.  People do business with people they know, like and trust.  If you want to build your influence and grow your business, then you need to serve more people.

Go and build relationships where you help others to be more successful; perhaps find referrals or introduce them to potential partners, suppliers and customers.  In return they will start helping you too.

Too many of us (me included) spend too much time at our desks and behind our computers.  You’ll feel more alive out and about building your network….and in doing so, you’ll be enhancing your personal brand too.


4  Make time for you

As business owners, often we spend day and night working in our businesses, so that people who, and things that are important to us get neglected.

While there is generally no such thing as ‘balance between business and life’, I truly believe most of us can take a little time to enjoy the things and people who matter.

I am fully into achieving my work goals each and every year, but I’m also focused on achieving personal goals too.  To nurture my soul (and to keep me sane) I need to have more in my life than just work.  Don’t you?

I’m making time for friends and family, holidays and much more this year.  Are you?

I’ve also set a MASSIVE personal health and fitness goal for 2017.  If you’re interested in knowing more about it and watching my journey towards achieving it, then I’d be thrilled if you connected with me on Facebook or Instagram as that’s where I’ll be sharing the journey.


Go for it…

So, go for it.  Focus on these 4 seriously important tactics for success this year and I am certain at year end, you’ll be reminiscing on what a fantastic year 2017 has been for you in business and life.

I wish you a wonderfully successful and joyful year in business and life.


Adèle x



Needing guidance?

Are you thinking you need a business coach/mentor for 2017?  Someone who can guide you to achieve your business vision and goals?

I have now only have space for two new clients in my 2017 schedule as I’m taking a reduced number of coaching/mentoring clients because as I’ll be focused in other areas (more on that next year).

If you’d like to talk about how I might support you, then let’s have an initial conversation this week and see where it takes us.  Here’s my calendar to make an appointment.


