Adèle’s Blog

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3 Questions for Celebration and Acceleration

Christmas and the holiday season is upon us, and 2016 is almost behind us.

Some will be glad to see the back end of it, whereas for others it’s been a wonderful year.


Where are you on the spectrum?

How was 2016 for you?

A fabulous year?

A challenging year?

Or perhaps it’s been a year of two halves – a bit of both?


3 questions for celebration and acceleration

We can be really tough on ourselves and focus on the things that didn’t go well during the year and let me tell you, I’m REALLY good at doing that.

I’m a reforming perfectionist, so I’m constantly learning to think about the good and to learn from the mistakes and things that didn’t go well.

Isn’t time we started being a bit kinder to ourselves by celebrating our successes – big and small ─ too?

Here are 3 simple questions you can ask yourself that will hopefully inspire you to see your 2016 year more clearly.


Qu 1:  Looking back, what achievements, successes, fantastic experiences did you have?

Go through your calendar and remind yourself of the year you’ve had.

Think about your achievements, successes and experiences; think more widely than your work. Take a global view of your year; think about your family, friends, business associates.

What stands out as wonderful during the year?

Have you done things for the first time that you’re proud of (for me it was boxing), that you can celebrate yourself for?

Successes, achievements and experiences don’t have to be monumental.  They can be very personal and small, perhaps iterative steps towards something bigger that you’re working on.

You will have them if you look for them…. In fact, you will have a big list of them if you’re being kind and generous with yourself.

Go on…. seek them out and write them down.

Be proud of yourself.  Give yourself a pat on the back too.  You deserve it.


Qu 2:  What mistakes have you made that you’re learning from?

Let’s face it, we all make mistakes in business and life.  We always have and always will.  I like making mistakes (not that I set out to make them though), as intense learning comes from them, so long as we’re willing to reflect and learn the lessons.

I’ve made loads of mistakes this year, and I’ve learned some wonderful lessons too.

And the surprise for me is that mistakes also lead to unexpected opportunities.   Who’d have thought?

So what mistakes have you made this year?  What lessons can/have you taken from them that will support you in business and life going forward?

I don’t believe that things happen for a reason but I do believe we can ALWAYS find meaning in those things that happen to us.  We can use the experiences positively going forward.

One day you may look back and be grateful for the mistakes you’ve made.  They may be a pivotal part to some evolution in your life and business.  Now how exciting is that?


Qu 3:  What’s holding you back from being and achieving all that you desire in business and life?

When we reflect over our year, it’s REALLY easy to say ‘I haven’t done enough’, ‘I haven’t achieved enough’, ‘I’m not good enough’, or any other mean ‘thing’ we say to ourselves.

What negative voices are in your head right now?  Sadly those voices and the mean spirited things you’re saying to yourself will be holding you back.

Isn’t it time to create another story in your head? A more positive, supportive story that guides you towards fulfilling your potential and achieving many of the goals you may have set yourself.

What is a more loving, kind and empowering story you can use to guide and inspire you in your life? Perhaps it could become an affirmation too?

Maybe it’s also time to remove toxic people from your life – people who zap your energy rather than uplifting you.  We all have them in our lives. Set yourself free.  While initially a little hard, you won’t regret it.

And then there’s the clutter we need can remove from our lives too; things that drag us down rather than uplifting us.

What clutter needs to go from your life and work?

What are you doing that doesn’t uplift you?  Can you stop doing it?  If not, can you delegate it to someone else?  Can you outsource it?

There’s always a way to be rid of clutter!  First identify what that is in your world and then work out a plan to remove it.

I promise you’ll feel much more alive for doing so.


Here’s to a fabulous 2017

So they are my 3 end of year celebration and acceleration questions.

I truly hope you’ll think about them before you start planning your new year.  You’ll feel differently about 2016 if you do.  I promise. 🙂


Needing guidance?

Are you thinking you need a business coach/mentor for 2017?  Someone who can guide you to achieve your business vision and goals?

I have now only have space for two new clients in my 2017 schedule as I’m taking a reduced number of coaching/mentoring clients because as I’ll be focused in other areas (more on that next year).

If you’d like to talk about how I might support you, then let’s have an initial conversation before 1 January and see where it takes us.  Here’s my calendar to make an appointment.

Enjoy the moment

Enjoy the remaining days of busy-ness in the lead up to Christmas day and the New Year.

Most importantly, remember to celebrate yourself – perhaps even have a drink to yourself and all that you are, and have achieved, learnt and experienced in 2016.

I wish you a joyful, relaxed and nourishing festive season.

With love


Adèle xx


