Adèle’s Blog

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The 8 Circles of Business Excellence

Right now I have a fair number of business people talking to me about growing their businesses.  Some are one person businesses or solopreneurs who want to take the next step on their business journey, and others are businesses that are reasonable in size already, and the owners really want to leap ahead.

It’s really thrilling and exciting for me when I hear this.

In fact, I’m speaking at a conference in London on Thursday to health and wellbeing professionals and the topic the organisers have asked me to speak about is just that:  Business Growth.  I can’t wait to share my knowledge and experience with the delegates.


Where are you at on your business journey?

Are you happy with how your business is progressing?

Would you like to get a little or a lot bigger?

Want more profitability in your business?

I coach my clients around the 8 Circles of Business Excellence.  Focus on 8 circles in your business, and you’ll definitely grow as you’d like to.


I’m getting used to videoing….

As you may recall, I’ve created my own YouTube channel, Adèle McLay TV, where I post free videos on topics related to business, personal branding, and personal growth.

If you’d like to know more about the 8 Circles of Business Excellence and how they apply to your business then I invite you to watch my videos on Business Excellence.

There are nine short videos in total, starting with me answering the question, ‘What is Business Excellence?’ in video 1.

I’d be thrilled if you took a moment to watch this video (you can click the image below to see it).

I hope it serves you as you think about the possibility of growing your business.

If you like the video, I’d be hugely grateful if you left a comment on YouTube for me.  I read them all.

You can watch all 9 of the Business Excellence videos from my YouTube channel. They should follow one after the other.

I hope in some way, big or small, my video series supports you to achieve your goals in your business.


Would some guidance from me be helpful to you? If so, please arrange a free 30 mins Skype strategy meeting with me. Here’s my calendar to make an appointment. I’d love to support you in some way to gain ‘seductive clarity’ in any aspect of your business or life.


