Adèle’s Blog

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Sizzling in Business & Life. Are you?

We have the power to shape our lives, and to use the extraordinary untapped power we have to be focused and effective, to perform at a far higher level.

I believe we can have it all. Not in the tired old sense of trying to be everything to everybody, multi-tasking our way to a state of exhaustion, but by focusing on what makes us feel truly alive, passionate and extraordinary, and doing more of that and less of everything else.

We each have our own perspective on the world, and with persistence, hard work and self belief, there are no limits to what we can achieve.

When we are clear on our purpose in life, when we have a vision for our life, when we are clear on our values, when we have plans in place to achieve our vision and purpose, we have the potential to sizzle! We will be mega performers, laser focused towards the achievement of our vision – our dream life. For me that means Destiny Represented Evocatively, Actively and Magnetically!

Why do so few attain it?

So if a life of mega performance and achievement – a sizzling life – is available to every one of us, why is it that so few of us attain it? If we were fortunate enough to be born in the developed world then most of us live in an environment of abundance, with our basic needs met and more resources than we could ever need or want at our disposal.

Why then do we still feel unsuccessful?

Why do some of us struggle constantly with professional setbacks, health problems and relationships turned sour? Why do others of us settle for being comfortable, for mediocrity, for simmering when we could be sizzling?

I’ve always been fascinated by the question of what makes the difference between a life of struggle, a life that barely simmers, and a life that really sizzles.

We’ve all met people who have suffered unimaginable things yet managed to overcome their pain and their past to create a magnificent life. I’m not necessarily talking about superstars who’ve broken records or made a fortune.

I’ve known lots of perfectly normal people whom I admire for their ability to live a full-throttle life of love, laughter and achievement, and who have extraordinary abilities to pick themselves up even after disastrous setbacks and recreate their sizzling lives. How do they do it?

I’ve been asking myself those questions and exploring the answers via intense study of psychology, spirituality and personal development for more than 30 years, initially as a young university graduate, then as a banker, business adviser, entrepreneur, mega-performance coach and more. I am fuelled and inspired by the answers I find in the stories of others, whether they’re my clients, my friends or strangers I meet.

We all can….

I have come to realise that people who live sizzling lives are just like you and me. The only difference is that they think more strategically and take massive action to put those strategies into practice. They become mega performers in business and life as they live with vision, purpose and connected to their personal values. Fortunately, their habits and skills can be acquired, which, as a mega performance coach, is where I come in.

You might be thinking this is all very wishy washy and not very corporate or entrepreneurial.

Let me tell you that unless we as entrepreneurs or our employees have a clear purpose, a compelling personal vision for being in our businesses, reasons that work for us and them beyond receiving a monthly pay cheque, we will never see or own or their sizzle – we will never experience mega performance in ourselves or our employees.

Why? Because we and they won’t care enough to put in the effort, as it doesn’t matter enough; there’s no or little life or emotional connection, and that’s a problem.

But align our employees’ and our own life purpose, vision, values and goals with our respective roles in our businesses, and lives and businesses change. Mega performance and success is much more assured – for all; them, and us as the business owners and managers.

Now in my book that’s something worth aiming for!

Action: Are you sizzling with the joy of life in your world – business and pleasure? Are your employees sizzling in your business too? If not, why not? It’s time to sort that out so that you and your business thrive, and your employees do too.



Could some guidance from me be helpful to you?  If so, please arrange a free 30 mins Skype strategy meeting with me.  Here’s my calendar to book a meeting.  I’d love to support you in some way to gain ‘seductive clarity’ in any aspect of your business or life.

