Adèle’s Blog

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Have Seductive Clarity or be Doomed!

“It doesn’t take any more effort to dream a big dream than it takes to dream a small dream.”
General Wesley Clark, Former Head of NATO Allied Troops

Have you ever set a goal and then not achieved it?

If you said yes, you’re not alone; most of us are in that camp with you.  People set goals all the time and often make little progress towards achieving them.

We set goals because we think we should, because others are setting them, or because it’s part of being in business and the accountant says that’s what we should do.

Sound familiar?


Ever wondered why you don’t achieve your goals?

The answer is really simple.  Most often people don’t achieve their goals because they’re just not that important to them.

Harsh as it may sound, it’s true.  Often we miss achieving our goals because we don’t care enough about them.

Unless we have what I call ‘seductive clarity’ about what the dream, vision or goal is, and WHY it’s important to us, then it won’t be achieved.


What’s seductive clarity

Hold tight.   I’m about to get soppy on you!

Remember that moment when you fell in love, or saw your newly born child – your baby – for the very first time?  What did you feel in that moment?

I’m guessing it was a passion, a desire, a raw need, a drive, a responsibility, a happiness!

You were seduced by love!  And that’s a good thing.

In love, we want and need that person forever and a day.  Our hearts stop, we get distracted and can’t focus on anything other than the person we have fallen in love with.

Ahhh, I still rejoice with the memories of those early moments in love! 🙂


Get seductively clear on your ‘what’ and ‘why’

Seductive clarity with your dreams, vision and goals is the same.  You must feel the utmost emotional connection with them – a love – a heart stopping importance, a must have or must achieve drive, and the feeling – the excitement – that comes with the possibility of achieving something important.

We must understand WHY the dream is so important to us.  The ‘why’ doesn’t have to be rational to anyone else. It must matter to us!

If we don’t have all that, we won’t care enough to achieve the dream, vision or goal.  And when the going gets tough (which it will), we’ll be off and onto the next shiny thing… the dream, the vision, the goal will be forgotten or buried.

Yet, the achievement of a dream, a vision or goal can be life changing.  Its achievement can make an ordinary life extraordinary, or can be a game changer in business.


Let’s get serious about this for a minute 

We’re nearly half way through 2016 – yikes!!  How’s the business year progressing for you?

Same old, same old?

Or have you set a vision with some big goals that you’re on track towards achieving this year?

It’s not too late.  There’s plenty of time to nail something that’s important to you in business.  The key is to get seductively clear on what it is you want to achieve and WHY.

So go on.  Step back for a minute and think about what you’re striving to achieve in business this year.

Why are you doing it?

Why is its achievement so important to you?

In being seductively clear about and in love with your why, those emotions will keep you strong during the long hours and the ups and downs you’ll no doubt experience as you journey towards that day when you can say, ‘Eureka, I did it’, or as Sir Edmund Hillary said in 1953 upon being the first man to climb to the top of Mt Everest, ‘ I knocked the B******d off!’  🙂

Seductively clear big dreams and plenty of action……. leads to…..success – as you define it in business and in life!  I like the sound of that.


QUESTION:  Where are you at with seductive clarity in the vision and goals you have in 2016 for your business?  I’d love to know.  I’d be thrilled if you left a comment below.



Would some guidance from me be helpful to you? If so, please arrange a free 30 mins Skype strategy meeting with me. Here’s my calendar to make an appointment. I’d love to support you in some way to gain ‘seductive clarity’ in any aspect of your business or life.


