Adèle’s Blog

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Grow Your Sales by Branding Yourself

“Quit or be exceptional. Average is for losers.” – Seth Godin

If you’re not convinced of the power of branding yourself, then take a look at the sales statistics below. They make for chilling reading on the one hand….and compelling on the other.


You see, if you don’t have a marketing strategy for generating leads, and a system for capturing them when they come into your business, then money is being left on the table.

In most businesses, it’s near to impossible for sales people to pick up the telephone to keep in contact with a prospect – to keep them warm and enthusiastic about you and your business so that if one day they need what you sell, that they’ll buy it from you.

As the business owner/entrepreneur, you’re a sales person… even if you don’t hold that title… and even if you have others ‘doing’ sales for you, you’re still the head of sales in your business. The buck stops with you!

If you have a savvy marketing strategy and system in place, one that’s consistently working to promote you as the expert in your niche or industry and your company as the leading player, then those activities do the work for you. Together they keep your prospects warm, hot even, and feeling connected with you – the expert, your business, and what you can do for them as your potential customer.

The daily, weekly, monthly actions in your marketing communications act as your regular contact points with your prospects.

And the likely upside is that your business won’t be a victim to the stats reported above. You’ll get the sales coming your way… your prospects will pick up the phone, email or go to your website to buy from you. Perhaps it’ll be after the fifth to twelfth contact. It doesn’t matter. They’ll become customers when they’re ready. Yippee!! Job done!! 🙂

Once you’ve decided on your marketing platforms, be ubiquitous – be everywhere… email marketing, business Facebook, networking, You Tube, Twitter, LinkedIn, blogging… do what’s right for your personal brand and your business… to get seen. To get noticed! To be recognised as the expert!

In branding yourself, make sure your messages are compelling and instructional… not self promotional or ‘salesy’. Marketing is changing fast – it’s all about providing good quality content and occasional self promotion. Get the balance right. You don’t want to turn your prospects away.

You may have guessed by now that I’m a HUGE believer in the power personal branding. I spend a lot of my coaching/mentoring time with business owners and entrepreneurs, guiding them to create marketing strategies that enable them to stand out in their niche.

There’s nothing more exciting for me than when my clients tell me of the wins they’ve had through their personal branding successes… be it acquiring new clients… getting a speaking gig… getting a book deal… creating a new partnership/joint venture …or the myriad of other opportunities that come our way when we’re branded.

I wish the same success for you too. 🙂


ACTION: What’s the ONE platform you’ll start on now to begin the process of branding yourself? What might your marketing strategy on that platform look like? I’d love to know. How about sharing your thoughts in the comments below?


Could some guidance from me be helpful to you?  If so, please arrange a free 30 mins Skype strategy meeting with me.  Here’s my calendar to book a meeting.  I’d love to support you in some way to gain ‘seductive clarity’ in any aspect of your business or life.

