Adèle’s Blog

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Eureka! I’ve got it!

“Our worst days are actually our best days in disguise. If we are willing, that is where the learning and growth is for a beautiful tomorrow.” – Adèle McLay

Have you been in situations where things aren’t going well and you just can’t put your finger on what the problem is?

Not happy in your job. Business isn’t booming as you’d hoped. Relationships are struggling. Stress levels are worrying. Life seems a constant struggle.

Well, I’ve been in similar situations lots of times throughout my life and I’ve come to realise that what seem like the worst moments, for me, are actually the most significant, the most growth filled times, so long as I’ve been prepared to embrace the discomfort.

I’ve had another of those times recently where things weren’t working out in one of my businesses. I established the business several years ago, and thought I had the vision and business plan correct. Then life intervened and things didn’t flow. Not much was working as I’d planned. For an achievement junkie like me, that is sooo annoying. So I parked that business for a bit!


Life and opportunity intervenes when we least expect it

But just recently the universe has been sent me a pile of messages (and more frustration).

Plus that annoying ‘Niggle’ came back. For me, the Niggle is that little voice in the back of my mind that brings things from left (or right) field onto my mental horizon. It throws more curve balls my way. It tells me that more learning and growth is on its way….so long as I go the distance with the struggle I’m having. I can tell you that it’s really not at all comfortable in those moments.

But, getting pretty used to the Niggle, this time I felt really excited… what might happen next? What’s about to change?

I started thinking more deeply about parts of my life and businesses.

I started putting myself into situations that are not normal for me, but felt right in the moment.
I also spent time refocusing on me. My purpose in life. My vision for my life. And perhaps most importantly, my personal values.

I had little planning sessions with myself – checked in with ‘me’ again – something I hadn’t done in a while.


And the answers came ….with a hiss and a roar (well, actually it was a quiet revelation)

Even while I was loathing the weekend seminar I was attending (I didn’t resonate with the style of the presenter, so it was REALLY hard going!), I persisted… and persisted… right to the end.
And then the final piece of the jigsaw fell into place. The light bulb moment happened as a quiet revelation at the end of the second day while I was nursing a massive headache after the tortuous event….. Yes, it’s weird when growth happens!


Eureka! The future is bright

I got it!! The business that I set up two years ago was heading in the wrong direction. It wasn’t fitting my values, and the things I personally love to do in business. I was pushing myself as the ‘square peg’ into ‘the round hole’ of the business plan I’d established. It was never going to work!! I just didn’t see that at the time I created the business.

So, with renewed energy and total focus, I’m in the process of re-inventing that business.

To say I’m excited is an understatement. I can’t wait to bring this renewed vision into reality… (more on that at a later time).


What about you? Is your problem a gift?

We all hit hiatuses in life. We all have really difficult times. We all smash into obstacles and it hurts. Some of us have really ugly times, times we think we won’t recover from.

It sounds silly, I know, but problems in life and business are gifts. They have the potential to support us to create a new and better tomorrow. A beautiful tomorrow.

It will only happen if we are prepared to sit with the discomfort, the pain. Now. Acknowledge it. Think about it. Learn from it. Analyse it with truth and commitment to our passions, values and heart – our love and respect for ourselves and all others whom we treasure in our lives. Then we must take massive action to create the change we want to see in our lives.

You see, if we don’t push through what we loathe most in life, what we fear most in life, what we don’t want in life, if we remain living in struggle, or settle for a life of simmering, we’ll never ever have what we most want in our lives.

I know that as a fact from deep and very personal experience over the whole of my life.

My wish for you is a lifetime of E-U-R-E-K-A moments too. Life changing moments that lead to more love, joy, passion, excitement, adventure and success – as you define it.


ACTION: I’d love to hear about your Eureka moments in life. Moments that led to massive and beneficial change. Let’s get a conversation going and inspire others to travel through their pain towards Eureka.


Could some guidance from me be helpful to you?  If so, please arrange a free 30 mins Skype strategy meeting with me.  Here’s my calendar to book a meeting.  I’d love to support you in some way to gain ‘seductive clarity’ in any aspect of your business or life.


