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Death by Chocolate Cake

Who doesn’t like a chocolatey Chocolate Cake.  If you make this recipe with Chocolate Ganache, your family with love you for it… and the cake will be gone in seconds.  So, take time out of your schedule and have fun in the kitchen making Death by Chocolate Cake.

What you need for the cake

175 grams softened butter
270 grams sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
3 eggs
270 grams plain flour
70 grams cocoa
2 teaspoons baking powder
250 ml warm milk

What you need for the icing – there are two options

Chocolate Icing
200 grams softened butter
550 grams icing sugar
4 tablespoons sifted cocoa
3-4 tablespoons of very hot water

Chocolate Ganache (this is my favourite)
450 grams good quality dark chocolate
300 grams cream
50 grams butter

How to make
Cream the butter and sugar together until a pale cream colour. Add vanilla extract and mix. Add the eggs one at a time, and beat well between each addition of egg.

In a separate bowl, sift the flour, cocoa and baking power together. Then carefully stir/fold into the mixture, being careful not to over stir or you will end up with a heavy cake with no air in it. Add the warm milk and mix until mixed together. Do not over mix.

Pour into a 22cm round tin which has been greased with butter and lined with baking parchment. Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C (350°F) for approx 30-40 mins or until a skewer is pulled out of the cake clean. Remove from the oven, and leave in the tin for about 5 mins before turning out onto a cooling tray. Leave until completely cold, then ice with chocolate icing or ganache.

Chocolate Icing
To make the icing, beat the butter, cocoa and icing sugar until very smooth and pale. Add hot water to achieve the icing thickness that you would like. Ice the cake. Decorate with chocolate decorations of your choice.

Chocolate Ganache – my favourite
This ganache will make for a very chocolatey taste as it is made with chocolate rather than icing sugar and cocoa. Heat the cream in a pot until very hot but NOT boiling. Take off heat. Add the chocolate. Mix thoroughly. Add the butter while mixing. The chocolate ganache will look radiant and shiny. Leave to cool a little as it will solidify to enable you to ice the cake. Decorate with chocolate decorations of your choice.
Other options: To make the cake a total ‘Death by Chocolate Cake’ experience, you can cut the cake in half through the middle and ice the middle with chocolate ganache or cream. Then sandwich together. Divine!! You can also serve this cake with strawberries which are fabulous with chocolate ganache.

Now, who doesn’t like Chocolate Cake? Gather up all your friends and family, and have a party, finishing off with this wonderful cake!


Other Delicious Delights

Classic Carrot Cake
Bonanza Banana Cake
Rocky Road Cookies for Summertime Fun
Pavlova Perfection


