Adèle’s Blog

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#BREXIT – The Future is Bright – If We’re Bold

There is much uncertainty, fear and hysteria circulating around the world at present in light of the recent UK referendum where #BREXIt won.  Here’s a blog that I published on the Huffington Post USA website previously.

I only look at the business opportunities in this blog.  I’ll explore many of the others in future blogs.


#BREXIT:  The Future is Bright – If We’re Bold

The people of Great Britain have spoken.  #BREXIT won.  FULL STOP!

Now it’s time for quiet reflection, reconciliation, kindness and healing, and for calm.

Most importantly, it’s time for Great Britain to once again be bold.

It’s time for new, visionary, progressive leadership, not just in government but from everyone. Let’s envision the possibilities of what the future holds for us all.  It’s time for ordinary people to say:  “I have a dream too”.  Not dream based on entitlement.  A dream focused on empowerment, contribution, achievement.


A New Vision for the UK

Let’s create a new vision for Great Britain – a vision that will serve us to be leaders in our fast changing global world.

Great Britain holds the cards.… we can deal them strategically, wisely and globally.

We’re the sixth largest trading nation in the world.  Let’s make it bigger.  We’re not leaving Europe, we’re restating how we want to work within it.  We’re taking back our power and sovereignty so we can better serve the rest of the world too, our way.

Let’s do more business across the world without being restricted.  It’s in the offing. Let’s grab it boots ‘n all.  Globalisation opens those doors. Progressive Government policy and trade agreements must too.

Let’s be more entrepreneurial, not based on our industrial revolution past, but focused on the future. Let’s lead the global digital and knowledge economy.  To thrive we must focus on ideas, innovation, intellectual property – think Uber, AirBnB.  There are many more disruptions like those to come.  May Great Britain lead the way!

Who are Britain’s new and upcoming Richard Bransons and James Dysons? Where are the UK’s equivalent of Elon Musk, Mark Cuban or Oprah?  Where’s our Silicon Valley?  Shoreditch in London?  It’s a start but we’re capable of so much more.

There will always be plenty of funding available for great ideas that solve local and global problems or offer solutions to things we don’t even know we want – think Whatsapp and Snapchat.  Who’d have thought!?


Education Reform Too!

Let’s reshape our education system where our children learn skills that are future focused:  like computer programming, entrepreneurship, money management, time management, philosophy, psychology, leadership, and much more.  Our education system isn’t good enough for a country with a bold new vision.  We must turn out school leavers and graduates who are equipped for their future.  Jobs are not for life.  Most will be self employed – knowledge workers who can work from anywhere for anyone.   Let’s inspire our young people to want to achieve greatly in their lives – in whatever endeavour they choose.  Let’s guide them with our own successes (and failures) and stories.


We’re Still in Europe – Just Differently

As we dream of our future, we’ll still be a strong voice in Europe.  Yes, short term there will be challenges.  Change brings uncertainty.  It also brings massive opportunity, and not just for us.  In the longer term, Europe will benefit from the brave decision taken by Great Britain.

The European Union Project had an admirable original vision, and to a point, it has achieved it.  But the world has changed massively, and it needs to adapt, fast.  It’s become a monstrous bureaucracy.  It will fail if it doesn’t take off its rose tinted glasses.  If the EU attempts to ‘slap’ Great Britain in the upcoming negotiations, European industry and people will respond.  It will end in tears for the EU.  So stop the rhetoric and focus on a future where everyone wins – find the common ground and generously and kindly negotiate the differences.

There’s plenty of time to resolve our position with the EU, despite the protestations of Jean-Claude Juncker and the financial markets.  In the meantime, it’s business as usual.  For most of us, nothing has changed and nothing will for quite a while.  Great Britain’s economy is strong and there’s plenty of liquidity in the market.  Get on, live life, do business and think about the possibilities of the future.

The future is bright – if we’re bold.

Finally, a magnificent quote by Johan Wolfgang Goethe:  “Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it”.


Question:  Where do you sit in the recent referendum?  I’d love to hear your thoughts.  Please leave a comment below.  I read them all.



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