Adèle’s Blog

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The 5 Bonuses of Giving

Life’s about giving, right?  Certainly in my world it is.  I live by the motto:  “To Give is to Live”.

For me, I feel more alive, passionate and extraordinary when I’m giving – when I’m adding something to the life of another.

My giving has been in overdrive lately …. and despite having a very hectic schedule right now, I’ve never felt more happy, alive and passionate.

And do you know what? Extraordinary things are happening for everyone in my world.  It’s electric.  It’s exciting.  It’s sizzling!

There are so many wins for everyone when we give.  Here are a few that are top of mind for me at present.


Bonus 1 ─ We feel good

I have a constant ‘smile on my dial’ right now.  Why?  Because I’m adding value to others in big and small ways.

There’s something glorious that happens when we know we’ve done something for the benefit of others, not because we have to, but because we want to.  It makes us feel good.  In actual fact, we may even feel better than the person who’s received our giving.

Perhaps it’s saying hello to or smiling at a person as we walk down the street.

Or giving a bunch of flowers or other gift.

Maybe it’s passing on knowledge and experience….

The ways of giving are endless, and it feels really, really, good.


Bonus 2 – People are grateful

We should give freely and without expectation.  When we do, the side benefit is that the receiver is often very grateful for our kindness and generosity.  And right now we need to celebrate more kindness in the world, don’t you think?


Bonus 3 – We help others to be more successful

In my experience, with more giving comes more success.

We’re all full of knowledge, experience and wisdom that when we share it, it helps others to be more successful.  Perhaps it’s a connection you make for them, or some business or life advice.

When we share our gifts, the world is more plentiful.


Bonus 4 – Greater opportunities appear

You’ve heard the saying: “If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go in the company of others”.  I know that to be true.

When we have conversations, share, give or collaborate, greater opportunities often appear as the ‘master-mind’ is at play.  As my mother used to say, “two heads are better than one”.

Together, we think differently, at times bigger, often better… we all get better results, and that’s uplifting.


Bonus 5 – Good things come back to you

When we give, it’s also good to receive.  Bob Burg, in his best -selling book:  The Go-Giver, talks about the 5 Laws of Giving – one of them is Receptivity – we must be willing to receive.  For some of us, that’s easier said than done.  I’ve certainly had to learn that skill.

When we give to others, they’ll often give back to us in ways we didn’t expect (and that’s a good thing – surprise is good for the soul).

Give, give, give, ASK.  It’s good to ask.  Ask for guidance, help, support.

Be vulnerable.  Be brave.  Be courageous.  Be visionary.  The reasons for asking come in many forms, and good people want to help us.

When we give, people will help us in return.  The circle of life.


Your turn

How can you give more of yourself to others?  Whose life can you make a difference to today?

Perhaps that’s a daily action.  Make a difference in the life of someone each day.  If we all did that, is it too big a hope to think that our world would be a happier, kinder, smarter and more successful place to be?  I think not.


QUESTION:  Have you experienced the bonuses of giving?  I’d love to hear your stories.  Please leave a comment below.


Would some guidance from me be helpful to you? If so, please arrange a free 30 mins Skype strategy meeting with me. Here’s my calendar to make an appointment. I’d love to support you in some way to gain ‘seductive clarity’ in any aspect of your business or life.


