Posts Tagged: what makes a successful entrepreneur

All Work + Little Play = Boring!

Don’t get me wrong, I am all for full on work in order to achieve goals, whether you are an employee or a business owner. However, I also know from first-hand experience as an entrepreneur that all work and little or no play makes for a boring and empty existence. Yes, when we are striving to achieve great things as entrepreneurs, it is tempting and often compelling to work vast hours to achieve milestones.

What makes a successful entrepreneur? Well, there are seven elements that contribute to being a successful entrepreneur, as I noted in my blog: Seven Secrets of Super Successful Entrepreneurs, including:

  1. Self belief
  2. Setting a goal and going for it
  3. Standing out in your market
  4. Seizing your market
  5. Strong leadership
  6. Sacrosanct: Time
  7. Self improvement

Let’s look at self improvement as one of the keys to what makes a successful entrepreneur. What is self improvement?

Successful entrepreneurs spend time on improving themselves. They are attracted to ongoing learning and knowledge, be it books, learning programmes, conferences, watching videos, they soak up new knowledge. They also allow time to re-energise. They take time out with family and friends for recreation and holidays, as that in itself is a form of self improvement.

Often successful entrepreneurs are excellent at other pursuits. For instance, it is widely known that Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are phenomenal Bridge (card game) players.

Many successful entrepreneurs also take their health seriously, and include exercise as part of their daily routine.

Truly successful entrepreneurs generally have fantastic live. Think about the life that Sir Richard Branson has, or Bill Gates (he made all that money, has all the toys and assets he could ever want, and now he is giving most of his wealth away, and having a great time doing it). What successful entrepreneurs do you know who are truly successful and happy with life?

So as we entrepreneurs plan for the success of our businesses, how about planning for the success of our lives as well? How about embracing the concept of self improvement in its widest definition to create a life we love? In business we plan for the results and success we want, don’t we? Can we achieve complete happiness and success in life unless we plan for it too?

Vision (noun) – according to the Oxford Dictionary this means: the ability to see; the ability to think about the future with imagination or wisdom; a mental image, dream or apparition.

Perhaps it is time for entrepreneurs to create a vision for our lives; to imagine our futures in life of which business is a subset. Perhaps it is time that entrepreneurs think about the answers to some important questions as we plan our 2015:

  • What do I want my future to look like, not just in business but in life?
  • What matters most in life?
  • My epitaph: what words would I like to be used in my memory?
  • What roles do I play in life? Mother, father, parent, friend, worker, entrepreneur etc.
  • What goals/desires/ambitions do I have for each of my primary roles?
  • What do I want my life to look like at age 50, 75, 100 – relationships, career/ business, finances, health?
  • What words do I value the most (create a list).
  • What matters most in life now both personally and professionally?

If success in our entrepreneurial life is our total priority then it is unlikely that many of the other important things in life will come to fruition. For me, what makes a successful entrepreneur is whole of life success, not one dimensional success.

So let’s get planning. Let’s plan for the creation of fantastic and hugely successful businesses, and let’s also plan and create fantastic and hugely successful lives that we share with all those whom we love. Now, to achieve that meets my definition of what makes a successful entrepreneur. I’m off to plan for a brilliantly successful 2015 in business and life. Are you?


Could some guidance from me be helpful to you?  If so, please arrange a free 30 mins Skype strategy meeting with me.  Here’s my calendar to book a meeting.  I’d love to support you in some way to gain ‘seductive clarity’ in any aspect of your business or life.


Other articles on What Makes Successful Entrepreneurs:

Seven Secrets of Super Successful Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurship vs The Meaning of Life
Entrepreneurial Success Without Fulfilment: Who Wants That?
Mega Entrepreneur Defined!
Supercharge Your Profitable Business!
Leadership Qualities
NZ Entrepreneurship Success
Millionaire Mindset
What Makes Great Entrepreneurial Leaders?
7 Secrets of Business Success
Sir Richard Branson Asks…
Ordinary vs Game Changing
Thriving within the Juggling Act
Business Success and Cookie Dough
What Ice Cream Flavour is Your Business?

Entrepreneurial Success Without Fulfilment: Who Wants That?

What makes a successful entrepreneur? Owning a big and financially successful business? Selling a business for a tonne of money? Having all the assets/toys that represent success? Having business and life choice?

Perhaps it is all of those. Perhaps it is none of those. In my experience an entrepreneur can have some or all of those achievements and still feel empty inside.

I have met and worked with many business owners whose businesses are worth millions, or they have sold their businesses for millions and as a result they have lots of money and choice, but still, they are not happy.

Why? Because they are not fulfilled! They don’t have a sense of purpose to their life that in some way is fulfilled through their business. Life is too short to live without fulfilment, don’t you think?

What’s another word for fulfilment? PASSION! For me, to live with passion is to live with meaning, purpose and fulfilment. That is what makes a successful entrepreneur. There are many examples of passionate and successful entrepreneurs…. they exude life, purpose and fulfilment within their business and that reflects in the quality of their life: Sir Richard Branson, Jamie Oliver, Oprah Winfrey, Mark Zuckerberg to name a few. How many can you name?

As we edge towards the end of 2014, are you planning 2015 for your business? I hope so. I also hope that you are planning your own life for 2015 and beyond too. It is never too late to plan your life. Start now if you have not done it before; create your life plan. How can you integrate your personal passions into your entrepreneurial life so that you get a real sense of fulfilment through your business?

Think about these important questions:

  • Who are you?
  • What matters to you in your life?
  • What are your personal values?
  • What do you want to do?
  • What do you want to share with the world?
  • Why do you want to share it with the world?
  • If you didn’t have to work because you had enough money to sustain your lifestyle, what would you be doing?
  • Where are you in life now versus where do you want to be?
  • What would make your life fabulous NOW on YOUR terms?

Take this exercise and thinking time seriously, and DREAM big. For me DREAM means: Destiny Represented Evocatively, Actively and Magnetically.

Then ask yourself the really BIG question. How congruent are your personal life goals with what you are doing in business? If they are congruent, then you will be feeling fulfilment in and passion for your business as you will be working with purpose. Plus others with notice it too. You will exude vitality and life.

If there is little congruence, then it is highly likely that you are not being fulfilled through your business and therefore, you are not living with purpose. You will feel underwhelmed with the outcomes of your entrepreneurial success and life, and quite possibly, you will feel overwhelmed by your day to day work.

In summary, you will not feel alive! And sadly, others will notice it too; your staff, your customers, your suppliers.  You might have what looks to others as all the business and financial success in the world, but you will not feel successful. Live to be alive!

For me it is called VIVA Leadership™ – Vision Internalised is Vision Actualised™: internal clarity and ownership and achievement of our personal vision, and congruence with our business world creates purpose, fulfilment and a feeling of being totally alive and in command of our lives.

That is what makes a successful entrepreneur. That is the success I support entrepreneurs around the world to achieve. I hope you make 2015 your best year yet for entrepreneurial success and personal and professional fulfilment.


Could some guidance from me be helpful to you?  If so, please arrange a free 30 mins Skype strategy meeting with me.  Here’s my calendar to book a meeting.  I’d love to support you in some way to gain ‘seductive clarity’ in any aspect of your business or life.


Other articles on What Makes Successful Entrepreneurs:

Seven Secrets of Super Successful Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurship vs The Meaning of Life
Mega Entrepreneur Defined!
Supercharge Your Profitable Business!
Leadership Qualities
NZ Entrepreneurship Success
Millionaire Mindset
What Makes Great Entrepreneurial Leaders?
All Work + Little Play = Boring!
7 Secrets of Business Success
Sir Richard Branson Asks…
Ordinary vs Game Changing
Thriving within the Juggling Act
Business Success and Cookie Dough
What Ice Cream Flavour is Your Business?