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Millionaire Mindset

Guest blog by Dr Jane Cox

Today, we live in a world today that is extremely fast paced and ever changing. We live in danger of getting bogged down in the rat race. The time equals money trap.

Wealthy and/or fulfilled people have a different mindset – a millionaire mindset: they operate on the same clock, they too have 24 hours in their day, but have an abundance of free time to use as they please.

How do they do it? Because they have the right mindset – a millionaire mindset. T he right mindset is key

The body achieves what the mind believes!

For most people the challenge is for them to change their beliefs about money and their own worth.

The struggle for most people is that our beliefs tend to be generalisations about our past, based on our interpretations of painful and pleasurable experiences.  Most of us do not consciously decide what we are going to believe.  Instead; our beliefs are often misinterpretations of past events.

But the mind is like a garden; if you want to change what grows you have to first change the seeds you plant.

A great way, in fact the only way, to start a change in ingrained beliefs, i.e. our current mindset, is create real clarity of purpose.

Knowing exactly what you want will change the way you think, feel and act at any moment. From the moment you gain a strong sense of clarity for a task, you will create focus. Focus means that you are in control and putting your life in the direction that you want go.

Happiness and wealth come from clarity; when you know what you want and you are moving towards your target. These dynamic movements create happiness and wealth. People who fail to gain or maintain clarity, lose track of time, suffer from confusion and feel like they are constantly playing catch up.

People with a millionaire mindset ANTICIPATE, they don’t REACT.

The best first step to developing your millionaire mindset is to ask yourself these questions:

  • What is my vision?
  • What do I really want?
  • What is my mission?
  • What is my purpose?
  • What specific actions do I need to take?
  • What will happen if I don’t do this?

Without (honest) answers to these questions you can’t begin to develop clarity and without clarity you can’t even begin to develop a millionaire mindset.

My 10 top “shortcut” tips to a millionaire mindset.

  1. Change your thoughts and you change your world. Realise that you have as much ability to make money as anyone else.
  2. Keep your mind open for opportunity. Read, listen, observe, and take note of where business gaps exist, or opportunities for investment may be found.
  3. Step outside of your comfort zone.
  4. Be prepared to put in the work to make the money.
  5. Recognise that money is a tool, and tools are there to be used.
  6. When you lose your fear of money, money loses its fear of you.
  7. You might not feel able to make a million, but you could well make £100 one thousand times. It’s the same thing.
  8. Get into the habit of spending less money than you make.
  9. Know your strengths and abilities. They are worth a lot of money to you.
  10. Keep learning. The more you educate your mind, the more knowledge you have to share and utilise.

Dr Jane Cox is a business psychologist, who works with large corporates and entrepreneurs, supporting them on a range of business issues, including leadership, communication, performance improvement, and much more. Dr Cox and Adèle McLay are business partners, having created the Millionaire Entrepreneur Business School that is launching in 2015.


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