Posts Tagged: Business Success

Business Success and Cookie Dough

You’ve hit a wall. Old and often bad habits have kicked in. Negative thinking is in overdrive. Confidence and motivation are low. Sleeping patterns are erratic. Nothing is going right in business or at home or in relationships (or each of those areas). And to top it all off, you’re not quite sure why any of this is happening, although you’re likely to be thinking that it’s the stress of work ‘getting to you’.

Ever had that experience?

Many of my clients come to be coached by me when they are in those circumstances.
I’ll ask pertinent questions… and out tumbles lots of ‘stuff’ loosely connected to the questions asked. The questions trigger something…

Just recently I had this very experience myself. Everything was going along brilliantly in most areas of life and business, and then unexpectedly, one of my old and dangerous (for me) habits kicked in – I lost control of my sugar addiction. I couldn’t get enough sweet food for about two weeks – not great when you are on 90 Day Achievement Challenge to remove 8kg of weight… eeekkk!

The taste of ice cream, desserts, chocolate, sweets and cookie dough was so more-ish during that time! I made chocolate cookies one weekend – sadly my family didn’t get to eat many cookies, but I did introduce my daughter to the delights of eating raw and frozen cookie dough – she’s now a convert! 🙂 It’s divine!!

Anyway, I could feel the ‘niggle’ in the back of my mind. My conscious mind was saying everything was fine, but the ‘niggle’ was telling me that my subconscious mind had lessons and learnings coming up for me.

And so it did. I let myself move through the ‘sugar thing’ without being too grumpy at myself. I also spent time talking to people who unexpectedly came into my world. We had the most amazing and enlightening conversations, which then gave me the courage to talk to people close to me about what I was thinking, and why the ‘niggle’ and my subconscious mind was tearing at me.

During my ‘sugar thing’, I arranged meetings with my coaches and mentors, and together we worked through the learnings and experience.

While a challenge at the time, in hindsight, the experience was phenomenal! I now understand what my subconscious wanted me to learn and think about. I feel amazing, energetic and invincible as I continue coaching my wonderful clients, developing new businesses and writing books. And the great thing is, there was a real reason for the timing of the ‘sugar thing’.

By listening to the niggle and my subconscious, I’ve opened up a whole lot of new business ideas and avenues, and I’ve evolved my thinking about the focus of two of the books I’m working on that will be published in 2016. So, I‘m very happy!

What’s all this got to do with you and your business success?

A lot! Everything even!

You see, I bet you’ve got your own ‘sugar thing’ happening at times. It might not be sugar, but what about alcohol, excessive smoking, overeating etc…? You know how it goes.

I’m certain there are times when something is holding you back and you can’t explain it, but life is underwhelming and your business isn’t fully charging.

In all seriousness and with huge amounts of love, I encourage you to listen to your inner voice, your subconscious, and ask what it wants to tell you. In the stillness of those moments, listen to what it is saying. Listen intently and often. Let your subconscious mind open up and unfold its lessons and learnings for you. It’s highly likely that you’re about to go on a journey of self discovery. It may be painful for a time as you turn and face your niggle, come to understand it, heal it or respond to it.

But I promise you, once you’ve done that, you’ll feel renewed, full of life and focused on all that’s important to you in business and life. You too will feel invincible and everything you’re working towards in your business will seem within touching distance. And even more business success will unfold!

I know this for a fact as I see it time and again with my clients and the shifts they make in their lives and of course, their increased business success when they’ve passed through the storm that brought them to me in the first instance. I wish the same for you and your life and business.

ACTION: You may be thinking… ‘I sooo understand what you’re saying, Adèle’ or ‘What a lot of codswallop’. Either way, I’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic. Please leave a message below, and how about passing my blog onto someone who is ‘out of sorts’ right now? You may be doing them a big favour.


Could some guidance from me be helpful to you?  If so, please arrange a free 30 mins Skype strategy meeting with me.  Here’s my calendar to book a meeting.  I’d love to support you in some way to gain ‘seductive clarity’ in any aspect of your business or life.


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